eLearning Samples

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Articulate Storyline

Workplace Safety and Security

The Problem: In today's fast-paced world, being adequately prepared to handle emergencies is crucial. This course was designed specifically to train XHealth employees in workplace safety and security. 

The Solution: The primary objectives of this course include equipping XHealth employees with strategies for handling escalating situations safely and providing a clear action plan in the event of an active shooter situation. 

Highlights: Avatars, Drag and Drop, Click to Reveal, Hot Spots, States, Motion Paths Animations, Markers, Triggers, Interactions, Knowledge Checks, and a Final Quiz.  

Tool Used: Articulate 360 Storyline 

Articulate RISE 360

Creating a Simple Skincare Routine

The Problem: Over the past six months, X Skincare has consistently received a below average rating (2.5 stars) for their employees' ability to recommend skincare products tailored to clients' specific needs. This rating indicates a knowledge gap in employees' abilities to accurately suggest the products that meet customer requirements. 

The Solution: The primary objectives of 'Creating a Simple Skincare Routine' are to train and equip X Skincare employees with the knowledge to differentiate between skin layers, describe the steps involved in determining a client's skin type, identify the necessary steps and products for a basic skincare routine, and recognize the benefits of maintaining a skincare regimen. This training program aims to significantly improve customer satisfaction, targeting an excellence rating of 4.5 stars or higher. 

Highlights:   Interactions, Sorting Activity, Accordion, Markers, Video, Audio, Click to Reveal, Job Aid, Flash Cards, and Knowledge Check.

Tools Used: RISE 360, Canva