Microlearning Samples

Select the image to view the sample. Select each button to view the deliverables.


Networking Strategies

This microlearning video was designed to assist learnersbin identifying the benefits of networking, selecting effective networking strategies, and building and growing their network to enhance their professional growth.

Tool Used: Vyond

Highlights:  Scenes, custom characters, background music, sound effects, motion paths, cropped characters, props, and uploaded images.

Adding Animation to a Photo in PowerPoint

This video tutorial was designed for professionals aiming to enhance their PowerPoint presentations dynamically. The tutorial guides learners through a step-by-step process of adding animations to a photo within a PowerPoint Presentation.

Tools Used: Camtasia, PowerPoint

Tips for Working Effectively from Home

This video tutorial was created to offer remote employees tips and strategies for effectively working from home.

Tool Used: Camtasia